Featured on RedBubble and mi bello PanamaThe start of 2013 is turning out to be fantastic! Firstly, I received a RedBubble prints promo today and my 'Take Me Out' photo of Citi Field was included once again. I'm very happy and grateful for this 'printsly' feature! Secondly I had the chance to escape the cold and visit the balmy tropics of Panama (my home country) this past week with many many photography opportunities. I've already posted the shot I took of Gatun lake, which is just so lush and beautiful. The entire area of Gamboa is protected so the Panama Canal can function properly. The Canal uses the natural movement of water from the lakes, rivers and oceans so the eco-system must be pristine so water levels can be optimal. It's great to see a technological marvel that does not hurt nature and works with it. I will be sharing more photos of both city and nature Panamanian landscapes! Also stay tuned for the upcoming full 12 month calendar giveaway, which I will be posting shortly! Comments
Congratulations on the well-deserved feature! Your photographs are beautiful.
♥ aquariann Featured Photo: <a href="http://blog.aquariann.com/2013/02/red-flower-bouquet-for-birthday.html">Red Flower Bouquet</a>
Panama is a wonderful place to escape from winter. I can almost feel the warmth coming from the photos.
I took a quick peek at the calendar and it looks awesome!
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